Ambrose Bierce

YESTERDAY, n. The...

YESTERDAY, n. The...

YESTERDAY, n. The infancy of youth, the youth of manhood, the entire past of age.

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WORSHIP, n. Homo...

WORSHIP, n. Homo...

WORSHIP, n. Homo Creator's testimony to the sound construction and fine finish of Deus Creatus. A popular form of...

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TURKEY, n. A...

TURKEY, n. A...

TURKEY, n. A large bird whose flesh when eaten on certain religious anniversaries has the peculiar property of...

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WHITE, adj. and...

WHITE, adj. and...

WHITE, adj. and n. Black.

Source: The Devil's Dictionary, 1911.
-- Ambrose...

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WAR, n. A...

WAR, n. A...

WAR, n. A by-product of the arts of peace. The most menacing political condition is a period of international...

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YOUTH, n. The...

YOUTH, n. The...

YOUTH, n. The Period of Possibility, when Archimedes finds a fulcrum, Cassandra has a following and seven cities...

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ZANY, n. A...

ZANY, n. A...

ZANY, n. A popular character in old Italian plays, who imitated with ludicrous incompetence the buffone, or clown, and...

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WEDDING, n. A...

WEDDING, n. A...

WEDDING, n. A ceremony at which two persons undertake to become one, one undertakes to become nothing, and nothing...

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WITCH, n. (1)...

WITCH, n. (1)...

WITCH, n. (1) Any ugly and repulsive old woman, in a wicked league with the devil. (2) A beautiful and attractive...

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WEAKNESSES, Certain...

WEAKNESSES, Certain...

WEAKNESSES, Certain primal powers of Tyrant Woman wherewith she holds dominion over the male of her species,...

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ZENITH, n. The...

ZENITH, n. The...

ZENITH, n. The point in the heavens directly overhead to a man standing or a growing cabbage. A man in bed or a...

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ZEAL, n. A...

ZEAL, n. A...

ZEAL, n. A certain nervous disorder afflicting the young and inexperienced. A passion that goeth before a...

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WHEAT, n. A...

WHEAT, n. A...

WHEAT, n. A cereal from which a tolerably good whisky can be made; . . . also for bread. The French are said to eat...

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X, n. In...

X, n. In...

X, n. In our alphabet being a needless letter has an added invincibility to the attacks of the spelling reformers, and...

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WORMS'-MEAT, n. The...

WORMS'-MEAT, n. The...

WORMS'-MEAT, n. The finished product of which we are the raw material.

Source: The...

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ZOOLOGY, n. The...

ZOOLOGY, n. The...

ZOOLOGY, n. The science and history of the animal kingdom, including its king, the House Fly (Musca maledicta). The...

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ZEUS, n. The...

ZEUS, n. The...

ZEUS, n. The chief of Grecian gods, adored by the Romans as Jupiter and by the modern Americans as God, Gold, Mob and...

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WITTICISM, n. A sharp and clever remark, usually quoted, and seldom noted; what the Philistine is pleased to call a...

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ZIGZAG, v.t. To...

ZIGZAG, v.t. To...

ZIGZAG, v.t. To move forward uncertainly, from side to side, as one carrying the white man's burden. (From zed, z, and...

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WRATH, n. Anger...

WRATH, n. Anger...

WRATH, n. Anger of a superior quality and degree, appropriate to exalted characters and momentous occasions; as, the...

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