Oscar Wilde

It is sweet...

It is sweet...

It is sweet to dance to violins
When Love and Life are fair:
To dance to flutes, to dance to lutes

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Do you really...

Do you really...

Do you really think, Arthur, that it is weakness that yields to temptation? I tell you that there are terrible...

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The Governor was...

The Governor was...

The Governor was strong upon
The Regulations Act:
The Doctor said that Death was but
A scientific...

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Grief has turned...

Grief has turned...

Grief has turned her fair.

Source: Referring to the fact that a recently-bereaved...

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Popularity is the...

Popularity is the...

Popularity is the only insult that has not yet been offered to Mr. Whistler.

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But what is...

But what is...

But what is the difference between literature and journalism? ... Journalism is unreadable, and literature is not...

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Private information is...

Private information is...

Private information is practically the source of every large modern fortune.

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Something was dead...

Something was dead...

Something was dead in each of us,
And what was dead was Hope.

Source: The Ballad...

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Who am I...

Who am I...

Who am I to tamper with a masterpiece?

Source: Refusing to make alterations to one...

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An excellent man!...

An excellent man!...

An excellent man! He hasn't an enemy in the world, and none of his friends like him.

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There is much...

There is much...

There is much to be said in favour of modern journalism. By giving us the opinions of the uneducated, it keeps us in...

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The vilest deeds...

The vilest deeds...

The vilest deeds like poison-weeds
Bloom well in prison-air;
It is only what is good in Man
That wastes and...

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He would stab...

He would stab...

He would stab his best friend for the sake of writing an epigram on his tombstone.

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Yes, I am...

Yes, I am...

Yes, I am a thorough republican. No other form of government is so favorable to the growth of...

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The gods bestowed...

The gods bestowed...

The gods bestowed on Max the gift of perpetual old age.

Source: Referring to Max...

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Down the long...

Down the long...

Down the long and silent street,
The dawn, with silver-sandalled feet,
Crept like a frightened...

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He must have...

He must have...

He must have a truly romantic nature, for he weeps when there is nothing at all to weep...

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Art never expresses...

Art never expresses...

Art never expresses anything but itself.

Source: The Decay of Lying.
-- Oscar...

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And now, I...

And now, I...

And now, I am dying beyond my means.

Source: Sipping champagne on his...

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The only thing...

The only thing...

The only thing that ever consoles man for the stupid things he does is the praise he always gives himself for doing...

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