Samuel Johnson

We are to...

We are to...

We are to consider mankind not as we wish them, but as we find them, frequently corrupt and always...

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There is no...

There is no...

There is no wisdom in useless and hopeless sorrow.

Source: Letter, 12 April 1781,...

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When I was...

When I was...

When I was as you are now, towering in the confidence of twenty-one, little did I suspect that I should be at...

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Where secrecy or...

Where secrecy or...

Where secrecy or mystery begins, vice or roguery is not far off.


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Treating your adversary...

Treating your adversary...

Treating your adversary with respect is giving him an advantage to which he is not...

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We love to...

We love to...

We love to overlook the boundaries which we do not wish to pass.

Source: Rambler,...

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To do nothing...

To do nothing...

To do nothing is in every man's power.

Source: In Webster's Electronic Quotebase,...

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When speculation has...

When speculation has...

When speculation has done its worst, two and two still make four.

Source: The...

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While grief is...

While grief is...

While grief is fresh, every attempt to divert only irritates. You must wait till grief be digested, and then amusement...

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We are inclined...

We are inclined...

We are inclined to believe those whom we do not know because they have never deceived us.

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When men come...

When men come...

When men come to like a sea-life, they are not fit to live on land.

Source: Quoted...

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We are perpetually...

We are perpetually...

We are perpetually moralists, but we are geometricians only by chance. Our intercourse with intellectual nature is...

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Where there is...

Where there is...

Where there is no hope there can be no endeavor.

Source: The Rambler
-- Samuel...

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Wickedness is always...

Wickedness is always...

Wickedness is always easier than virtue; for it takes a short cut to everything.

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What provokes your...

What provokes your...

What provokes your risibility, Sir? Have I said anything that you understand? Then I ask pardon of the rest of the...

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When two Englishmen...

When two Englishmen...

When two Englishmen meet, their first talk is of the weather.

Source: The...

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We would all...

We would all...

We would all be idle if we could.

Source: Life of Johnson, (J. Boswell), Vol....

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Why Sir, it...

Why Sir, it...

Why Sir, it is much easier to say what it is not. We all know what light is; but it is not easy to tell what it...

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You are much...

You are much...

You are much surer that you are doing good when you pay money to those who work, as the recompense of their labour,...

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When once a...

When once a...

When once a man has made celebrity necessary to his happiness, he has put it in the power of the weakest and most...

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