William Hazlitt

Anyone who has...

Anyone who has...

Anyone who has passed through the regular gradations of a classical education, and is not made a fool by it, may...

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As is our...

As is our...

As is our confidence, so is our capacity.

Source: In Webster's Electronic...

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An orator can...

An orator can...

An orator can hardly get beyond commonplaces: if he does he gets beyond his hearers.

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Cunning is the...

Cunning is the...

Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects, and discovering the weaknesses of...

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Envy among other...

Envy among other...

Envy among other ingredients has a mixture of the love of justice in it. We are more angry at undeserved than at...

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Dr. Johnson was...

Dr. Johnson was...

Dr. Johnson was a lazy learned man who liked to think and talk better than to read or write; who, however, wrote much...

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Belief is with...

Belief is with...

Belief is with them mechanical, voluntary: they believe what they are paid for --they swear to that which turns to...

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Dandyism is. ....

Dandyism is. ....

Dandyism is. . . a variety of genius.

Source: The Spirit Of The Age, Lord Byron ...

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Death is the...

Death is the...

Death is the greatest evil, because it cuts off hope.

Source: Characteristics,...

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Everyone in a...

Everyone in a...

Everyone in a crowd has the power to throw dirt; 9 out of 10 have the inclination.

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Even in the...

Even in the...

Even in the common affairs of life, in love, friendship, and marriage how little security have we when we trust our...

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Every man, in...

Every man, in...

Every man, in his own opinion, forms an exception to the ordinary rules of morality.

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Death cancels everything...

Death cancels everything...

Death cancels everything but truth; and strips a man of everything but genius and virtue. It is a sort of natural...

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Familiarity confounds all...

Familiarity confounds all...

Familiarity confounds all traits of distinction: interest and prejudice take away the power of...

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Fame is the...

Fame is the...

Fame is the inheritance not of the dead, but of the living. It is we who look back with lofty pride to the great names...

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Few things tend...

Few things tend...

Few things tend more to alienate friendship than a want of punctuality in our engagements. I have known the breach of...

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Good temper is...

Good temper is...

Good temper is an estate for life.

-- William Hazlitt, (Apr 10...

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General principles are...

General principles are...

General principles are not the less true or important because from their nature they elude immediate observation; they...

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First impressions are...

First impressions are...

First impressions are often the truest, as we find (not infrequently) to our cost, when we have been wheedled out of...

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He [Coleridge] talked...

He [Coleridge] talked...

He [Coleridge] talked on for ever; and you wished him to talk on for ever.


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