Judith Crist

Film criticism became...

Film criticism became...

Film criticism became the means whereby a stream of young intellectuals could go straight from the campus film society...

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The critics who...

The critics who...

The critics who love are the severe ones . . . we know our relationship must be based on...

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In this lovely...

In this lovely...

In this lovely land of corrugated cartons and plastic bags, we want our entertainment packaged neatly . . . an...

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[Youngsters] are nurtured...

[Youngsters] are nurtured...

[Youngsters] are nurtured from infancy on a Dick-and-Jane literary and artistic level; and the cultural drought, as...

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Amid all the...

Amid all the...

Amid all the easily loved darlings of Charlie Brown's circle, obstreperous Lucy holds a special place in my heart. She...

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In this era...

In this era...

In this era of affluence and of permissiveness, we have, in all but cultural areas, bred a nation of overprivileged...

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More bomb than...

More bomb than...

More bomb than bombshell.

Source: On Carroll Baker performance in Baby Doll; in If...

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Movies suddenly became...

Movies suddenly became...

Movies suddenly became film and cinema an art form and terribly chic. . .


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Happiness is too...

Happiness is too...

Happiness is too many things these days for anyone lo wish il on anyone lightly. So let's just wish each other a...

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When we as...

When we as...

When we as youngsters, would accuse our mother of picking on us her wise reply was, All you'll get from strangers is...

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