Frederic Raphael

Frederic Raphael: As Oscar Wilde...

Frederic Raphael: As Oscar Wilde...

As Oscar Wilde should have said, when bad ideas have nowhere else to go, they emigrate to America and become...

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Frederic Raphael: We thought philosophy...

Frederic Raphael: We thought philosophy...

We thought philosophy ought to be patient and unravel people's mental blocks. Trouble with doing that is, once you've...

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Frederic Raphael: During the years...

Frederic Raphael: During the years...

During the years when the barely educated immigrants were being replaced by barely educated native sons, Hollywood . ....

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Frederic Raphael: The great networks...

Frederic Raphael: The great networks...

The great networks are there to prove that ideas can be canned like spaghetti. If everything ends up by tasting like...

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Frederic Raphael: The television critic,...

Frederic Raphael: The television critic,...

The television critic, whatever his pretensions, does not labour in the same vineyard as those he criticizes; his...

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