Davy Crockett

Davy Crockett: Remember that a...

Davy Crockett: Remember that a...

Remember that a government big enough to give you everything you want is also big enough to take away everything you...

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Davy Crockett: Let your tongue...

Davy Crockett: Let your tongue...

Let your tongue speak what your heart thinks.


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Davy Crockett: Be always sure...

Davy Crockett: Be always sure...

Be always sure you are right - then go ahead.

Source: In Quotable Business, ed....

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Davy Crockett: Pop, pop, pop!...

Davy Crockett: Pop, pop, pop!...

Pop, pop, pop! Bom, bom, bom!
Throughout the day
no time for memorandums now.
Go ahead! Liberty and...

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Davy Crockett: Fame is like...

Davy Crockett: Fame is like...

Fame is like a shaved pig with a greased tail, and it is only after it has slipped through the hands of some...

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