Samuel Johnson

Dear Doctor (said...

Dear Doctor (said...

Dear Doctor (said he one day to a common acquaintance, who lamented the tender state of his inside), do not be like...

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George the First...

George the First...

George the First knew nothing, and desired to know nothing; did nothing, and desired to do nothing; and the only good...

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Disease is a...

Disease is a...

Disease is a physical process that generally begins that equality which death completes.

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Every quotation contributes...

Every quotation contributes...

Every quotation contributes something to the stability or enlargement of language.

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Depend upon it...

Depend upon it...

Depend upon it that if a man talks of his misfortunes there is something in them that is not disagreeable to...

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Do not discourage...

Do not discourage...

Do not discourage your children from hoarding, if they have a taste to it; whoever lays up his penny rather than part...

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Great abilites are...

Great abilites are...

Great abilites are not requisite for an Historian; for in historical composition, all the greatest powers of the human...

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Every man has...

Every man has...

Every man has a lurking wish to appear considerable in his native place.


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Everything that enlarges...

Everything that enlarges...

Everything that enlarges the sphere of human powers, that shows man he can do what he thought he could not do, is...

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Don't think of...

Don't think of...

Don't think of retiring from the world until the world will be sorry that you retire. I hate a fellow whom pride or...

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Dublin, though a...

Dublin, though a...

Dublin, though a place much worse than London, is not so bad as Iceland.


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Grief is a...

Grief is a...

Grief is a species of idleness.

Source: In Webster's Electronic Quotebase, ed....

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Example is always...

Example is always...

Example is always more efficacious than precept.

Source: In Webster's Electronic...

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Few things are...

Few things are...

Few things are impossible to diligence and skill.

Source: A Dissertation on the Art...

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EXCISE, n.' A...

EXCISE, n.' A...

EXCISE, n.' A hateful tax levied upon commodities, and adjudged not by the common judges of property, but by wretches...

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ELPHINSTON. What, have...

ELPHINSTON. What, have...

ELPHINSTON. What, have you not read it through? . . .
JOHNSON. No, Sir, do you read books...

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He who has...

He who has...

He who has provoked the shaft of wit, cannot complain that he smarts from it.

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Few enterprises of...

Few enterprises of...

Few enterprises of great labor or hazard would be undertaken if we had not the power of magnifying the advantages we...

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Friendship is not...

Friendship is not...

Friendship is not always the sequel of obligation.

Source: Lives of English Poets -...

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Every man who...

Every man who...

Every man who attacks my belief, diminishes in some degree my confidence in it, and therefore makes me uneasy; and I...

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