Quotations about Running

Success is a great deodorant.

-Elizabeth Taylor

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There is only...

There is only...

There is only one school of literature -- that of talent.

Source: In Webster's...

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Literature and butterflies...

Literature and butterflies...

Literature and butterflies are the two sweetest passions known to man.


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Lolita, light of...

Lolita, light of...

Lolita, light of my life, fire of my loins. My sin, my soul. Lo-lee-ta: the tip of the tongue taking a trip of three...

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Poor Knight! he...

Poor Knight! he...

Poor Knight! he really had two periods, the first - a dull man writing broken English, the second - a broken man...

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All the information...

All the information...

All the information I have about myself is from forged documents.

Source: In...

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