Creative Quotations from . . .
Pope John Paul II
(1920-2005) born on
May 18
Polish religious leader. He is the 264th Pope of the Roman Catholic Church, elected October 16, 1978.
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As the family goes, so goes the nation and so goes the whole world in which we live.

The truth is not always the same as the majority decision.
Have no fear of moving into the unknown. Simply step out fearlessly knowing that I am with you, therefore no harm can befall you; all is very, very well. Do this in complete faith and confidence.
The question confronting the Church today is not any longer whether the man in the street can grasp a religious message, but how to employ the communications media so as to let him have the full impact of the Gospel message.
[Young people are] threatened . . . by the evil use of advertising techniques that stimulate the natural inclination to avoid hard work by promising the immediate satisfaction of every desire.

Published Sources for the above Quotations:
F: In "Observer," (London), 7 Dec 1986.
R: From "Clint's Master Quotation Page," an internet collection of quotations.
A: In <a href="">The Ultimate Success Quotations Library</a>, 1997.
N: In "International Herald Tribune," (Paris), 8 May 1989.
K: In "The Want Makers: Inside the World of Advertising," by Eric Clark, 1988.

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