Creative Quotations from . . .
Francis J. Grimke
(1850-1937) born on
US pastor. He was a frequent advocate of civil rights, particularly during the period of World War I; wrote four volumes edited by Carter Woodson.
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Race prejudice can't be talked down, it must be lived down.

It is only what is written upon the soul of man that will survive the wreck of time.
. . . unless there comes to the Nation a greater emancipation than Lincoln's Proclamation effected, it is doomed, it is bound to go down.
A pretty good test of a man's religion is how it affects his pocketbook.
When the U.S. Government shows a proper appreciation of the services of the Negro who has never failed it in every crisis of its history to do his whole duty, to shed his blood freely in its behalf . . . then, and not till then, will I be heard.

Published Sources for the above Quotations:
F: c. 1914; in "Words to Make My Dream Children Live," by Deirdre Mullane, 1995.
R: c. 1927; in "Words to Make My Dream Children Live," by Deirdre Mullane, 1995.
A: After the ceremony dedicating the Lincoln Memorial, during which black dignitaries were segregated, May 1922.
N: In "And I Quote," by Ashton Applewhite, 1992.
K: On withholding public support for the war effort, 1 Jul 1917.

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