Creative Quotations from . . .
Barbara De Angelis
(0-0) born on
Jan 00
0 teacher. She is an internationally recognized expert on human relations, and an influential teacher in the area of personal and spiritual development.
Click Here for an explanation of the five components of Creative Quotations
Men aren't the way they are because they want to drive women crazy; they've been trained to be that way for thousands of years. And that training makes it very difficult for men to be intimate.

Only when your consciousness is totally focused on the moment you are in can you receive whatever gift, lesson, or delight that moment has to offer.
What allows us, as human beings, to psychologically survive life on earth, with all of its pain, drama, and challenges, is a sense of purpose and meaning.
When you make a commitment to a relationship, you invest your attention and energy in it more profoundly because you now experience ownership of that relationship.
We need to find the courage to say NO to the things and people that are not serving us if we want to rediscover ourselves and live our lives with authenticity.

Published Sources for the above Quotations:
F: In <a href="">The Ultimate Success Quotations Library</a>, 1997.
R: In <a href="">The Ultimate Success Quotations Library</a>, 1997.
A: In <a href="">The Ultimate Success Quotations Library</a>, 1997.
N: In <a href="">The Ultimate Success Quotations Library</a>, 1997.
K: In <a href="">The Ultimate Success Quotations Library</a>, 1997.

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