Creative Quotations from . . .
Robert Walpole
(1676-1745) born on
Aug 26
British statesman. He was generally regarded as the first prime minister, 1721-42; known for his frank, hearty manner and political subtlety.
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I have lived long enough in the world, Sir, . . . to know that the safety of a minister lies in his having the approbation of this House. Former ministers, Sir, neglected this, and therefore they fell; I have always made it my first study to obtain it...

They now ring the bells, but they will soon wring their hands.
I took the right sow by the ear.
The balance of power.
All those men have their price.

Published Sources for the above Quotations:
F: Speech, House of Commons, 21 Nov 1739.
R: Remark on the declaration of war with Spain, 1739.
A: Commenting on his perception that, to influence George II, the correct woman to cultivate was Queen Caroline, not any of the King's mistresses - a mistake made by his political opponents.
N: Speech in House of Commons, 13 Feb. 1741.
K: In "Memoirs of Sir Robert Walpole," by W. Coxe.

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