Mary Astell

Mary Astell: Women are from...

Mary Astell: Women are from...

Women are from their very Infancy debarr'd those advantages [of education] with the want of which they are afterwards...

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Mary Astell: Women are not...

Mary Astell: Women are not...

Women are not so well united as to form an Insurrection. They are for the most part wise enough to love their chains,...

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Mary Astell: If all men...

Mary Astell: If all men...

If all men are born free, how is it that all women are born slaves?

Source: In...

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Mary Astell: . . ....

Mary Astell: . . ....

. . . he who only or chiefly chose for Beauty, will in a little Time find the same Reason for another...

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Mary Astell: There is not...

Mary Astell: There is not...

There is not anything so excellent, but some will carp at it. . .

Source: Quoted in...

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