G K Chesterton

G K Chesterton: The chief object...

G K Chesterton: The chief object...

The chief object of education is not to learn things but to unlearn things.


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G K Chesterton: The artistic temperament...

G K Chesterton: The artistic temperament...

The artistic temperament is a disease that afflicts amateurs. It is a disease which arises from men no having...

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G K Chesterton: Art, like morality,...

G K Chesterton: Art, like morality,...

Art, like morality, consists in drawing the line somewhere.

Source: Orthodoxy,...

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G K Chesterton: One sees great...

G K Chesterton: One sees great...

One sees great things from the valley; only small things from the peak.

Source: The...

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G K Chesterton: The way to...

G K Chesterton: The way to...

The way to love anything is to realize that it might be lost.

Source: In Correct...

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G K Chesterton: A man can...

G K Chesterton: A man can...

A man can never quite understand a boy, even when he has been a boy.


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G K Chesterton: Psychoanalysis is confession...

G K Chesterton: Psychoanalysis is confession...

Psychoanalysis is confession without absolution.

-- G K Chesterton,...

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G K Chesterton: The Christian ideal...

G K Chesterton: The Christian ideal...

The Christian ideal has not been tried and found wanting; it has been found difficult and left...

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G K Chesterton: The word good...

G K Chesterton: The word good...

The word good has many meanings. For example, if a man were to shoot his grandmother at a range of five hundred yards,...

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G K Chesterton: Courage is almost...

G K Chesterton: Courage is almost...

Courage is almost a contradiction in terms: it means a strong desire to live taking the form of readiness to...

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G K Chesterton: One sees great...

G K Chesterton: One sees great...

One sees great things from the valley, only small things from the peak.


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G K Chesterton: Tolerance is the...

G K Chesterton: Tolerance is the...

Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.

-- G K...

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G K Chesterton: The gallows in...

G K Chesterton: The gallows in...

The gallows in my garden, people say,
Is new and neat and adequately tall.

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G K Chesterton: The worst of...

G K Chesterton: The worst of...

The worst of work nowadays is what happens to people when they cease to work.

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G K Chesterton: People generally quarrel...

G K Chesterton: People generally quarrel...

People generally quarrel because they cannot argue.

-- G K Chesterton,...

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G K Chesterton: The right kind...

G K Chesterton: The right kind...

The right kind of monarchy is one where everybody goes about with the permanent conviction that the king can do no...

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G K Chesterton: Truths turn into...

G K Chesterton: Truths turn into...

Truths turn into dogmas the minute they are disputed.

-- G K...

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G K Chesterton: In matters of...

G K Chesterton: In matters of...

In matters of truth the fact that you don't want to publish something is, nine times out of ten, a proof that you...

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G K Chesterton: To be simple...

G K Chesterton: To be simple...

To be simple is the best thing in the world; to be modest is the next best thing. I am not so sure about being...

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G K Chesterton: The present condition...

G K Chesterton: The present condition...

The present condition of fame is merely fashion.

-- G K Chesterton,...

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