Louis Nizer

Louis Nizer: A man who...

Louis Nizer: A man who...

A man who works with his hands is a laborer; a man who works with his hands and his brain is a craftsman; but a man...

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Louis Nizer: Some people will...

Louis Nizer: Some people will...

Some people will believe anything if you whisper it to them.

Source: In Webster's...

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Louis Nizer: A graceful taunt...

Louis Nizer: A graceful taunt...

A graceful taunt is worth a thousand insults.

Source: In Correct Quotes for DOS,...

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Louis Nizer: Yes, there's such...

Louis Nizer: Yes, there's such...

Yes, there's such a thing as luck in trial law but it only comes at 3 o'clock in the morning. . . . You'll still find...

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Louis Nizer: I know of...

Louis Nizer: I know of...

I know of no higher fortitude than stubbornness in the face of overwhelming odds.

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