C Northcote Parkinson

C Northcote Parkinson: The man whose...

C Northcote Parkinson: The man whose...

The man whose life is devoted to paperwork has lost the initiative. He is dealing with things that are brought to his...

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C Northcote Parkinson: When any organizational...

C Northcote Parkinson: When any organizational...

When any organizational entity expands beyond 21 members, the real power will be in some smaller...

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C Northcote Parkinson: A committee is...

C Northcote Parkinson: A committee is...

A committee is organic rather than mechanical in its nature: it is not a structure but a plant. It takes root and...

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C Northcote Parkinson: Work expands so...

C Northcote Parkinson: Work expands so...

Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion. General recognition of this fact is shown in the...

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C Northcote Parkinson: In politics people...

C Northcote Parkinson: In politics people...

In politics people give you what they think you deserve and deny you what they think you...

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C Northcote Parkinson: It is not...

C Northcote Parkinson: It is not...

It is not the business of the botanist to eradicate weeds. Enough for him if he can tell us just how fast they...

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C Northcote Parkinson: Delay is the...

C Northcote Parkinson: Delay is the...

Delay is the deadliest form of denial.

Source: In Webster's Electronic Quotebase,...

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C Northcote Parkinson: The man who...

C Northcote Parkinson: The man who...

The man who is denied the opportunity of making decisions of importance begins to regard as important the decisions he...

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C Northcote Parkinson: The Law of...

C Northcote Parkinson: The Law of...

The Law of Triviality. . . briefly stated, it means that the time spent on any item of the agenda will be in inverse...

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C Northcote Parkinson: It is better...

C Northcote Parkinson: It is better...

It is better to be a has-been than a never-was.

Source: Guardian (London, 29 June...

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