Emily James Putnam

Emily James Putnam: In contemporary society...

Emily James Putnam: In contemporary society...

In contemporary society [the typical lady] is an archaism, and can't hardly understand herself unless she knows her...

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Emily James Putnam: But the typical...

Emily James Putnam: But the typical...

But the typical lady everywhere tends to the feudal habit of mind.


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Emily James Putnam: Until changing economic...

Emily James Putnam: Until changing economic...

Until changing economic conditions made the thing actually happen, struggling early society would hardly have guessed...

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Emily James Putnam: Maternity is on...

Emily James Putnam: Maternity is on...

Maternity is on the face of it an unsocial experience.

Source: Introduction, The...

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Emily James Putnam: The selfishness that...

Emily James Putnam: The selfishness that...

The selfishness that a woman has learned to stifle or to dissemble where she alone is concerned, blooms freely and...

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