Alice Childress

Alice Childress: Life is just...

Alice Childress: Life is just...

Life is just a short walk from the cradle to the grave -- and it sure behooves us to be kind to one another along the...

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Alice Childress: Like snowflakes, the...

Alice Childress: Like snowflakes, the...

Like snowflakes, the human pattern is never cast twice. We are uncommonly and marvelously intricate in thought and...

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Alice Childress: I continue to...

Alice Childress: I continue to...

I continue to create because writing is a labor of love and also an act of defiance, a way to light a candle in a gale...

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Alice Childress: Some feminists feel...

Alice Childress: Some feminists feel...

Some feminists feel that a woman should never be wrong. We have a right to be wrong.

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Alice Childress: Writers are encouraged...

Alice Childress: Writers are encouraged...

Writers are encouraged to keep 'em laughing and complain with good humor in order to win allies. The joke is always on...

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Alice Childress: . . ....

Alice Childress: . . ....

. . . the good old days. The only good days are ahead.

Source: Alice Childress, in...

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Alice Childress: I'm independent as...

Alice Childress: I'm independent as...

I'm independent as a hog on ice and a hog on ice is dead, cold, well-preserved and don't need a mother'grabbin,...

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Alice Childress: The twisted circumstances...

Alice Childress: The twisted circumstances...

The twisted circumstances under which we live is grist for the writing mill, the loving, hating and discovering,...

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Alice Childress: . . ....

Alice Childress: . . ....

. . . and realizing there is no such thing as the Black experience. . . . Time and events allow for change on both...

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Alice Childress: . . ....

Alice Childress: . . ....

. . . it's a poor kind of man that won't fight for his own freedom.

Source: In And...

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Alice Childress: I think women...

Alice Childress: I think women...

I think women need kindness more than love. When one human being is kind to another, it's a very deep...

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Alice Childress: It becomes almost...

Alice Childress: It becomes almost...

It becomes almost second nature to be on guard against the creative pattern of our own...

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Alice Childress: Who wants to...

Alice Childress: Who wants to...

Who wants to live with one foot in hell just for the sake of nostalgia? Our time is forever...

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Alice Childress: Child, when hard...

Alice Childress: Child, when hard...

Child, when hard luck fall it just keep fallin'.

Source: Oldtimer in Wine in the...

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Alice Childress: The Black writer...

Alice Childress: The Black writer...

The Black writer explains pain to those who inflict it.

Source: A Candle in a Gale...

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