Betty Carter

Betty Carter: If it wasn't...

Betty Carter: If it wasn't...

If it wasn't for [pimps, prostitutes, hustlers, gangsters, and gamblers] there wouldn't be no jazz! They supported the...

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Betty Carter: This is our...

Betty Carter: This is our...

This is our culture, and I don't care who the musician is, if he avoids black people, then he is scared of something....

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Betty Carter: You can do...

Betty Carter: You can do...

You can do anything you want to do, if you know what to do.

Source: From a...

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Betty Carter: After me there...

Betty Carter: After me there...

After me there are no more jazz singers . . . It's a crime that no little singer is back there sockin' it to me in my...

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Betty Carter: If you're sitting...

Betty Carter: If you're sitting...

If you're sitting in that audience ready to figllt me from the very beginning, I'm going to have a hard time getting...

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