Jackie Moms Mabley

Jackie Moms Mabley: The teenagers ain't...

Jackie Moms Mabley: The teenagers ain't...

The teenagers ain't all bad. I love 'ern if nobody else does. There ain't nothin' wrong with young people. Jus' quit...

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Jackie Moms Mabley: Love is like...

Jackie Moms Mabley: Love is like...

Love is like playing checkers. You have to know which man to move.


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Jackie Moms Mabley: Life is like...

Jackie Moms Mabley: Life is like...

Life is like a game of poker: If you don't put any in the pot, there won't be any to take...

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Jackie Moms Mabley: There ain't nothin'...

Jackie Moms Mabley: There ain't nothin'...

There ain't nothin' an ol' man can do but bring me a message from a young one.

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Jackie Moms Mabley: A woman's a...

Jackie Moms Mabley: A woman's a...

A woman's a woman until the day she dies, but a man's only a man as long as he can.

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