Ruby Dee

Ruby Dee: Paradise is to...

Ruby Dee: Paradise is to...

Paradise is to be the ultimate instrument, fulfilling God's desperate intent that we love each other. The music people...

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Ruby Dee: The kind of...

Ruby Dee: The kind of...

The kind of beauty I want most is the hard-to-get kind that comes from within -- strength, courage,...

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Ruby Dee: Among whom the...

Ruby Dee: Among whom the...

Among whom the gods bless, high on the list are the music people, who tune into celestial vibe-brations and give...

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Ruby Dee: That's what being...

Ruby Dee: That's what being...

That's what being young is all about. You have the courage and the daring to think that you can make a difference....

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Ruby Dee: The greatest gift...

Ruby Dee: The greatest gift...

The greatest gift is not being afraid to question.

Source: With Ossie and Ruby:...

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