Marjorie Main

Marjorie Main: PA: Ma, there...

Marjorie Main: PA: Ma, there...

PA: Ma, there no need to apology for our kids, all fifteen are chips off the old block.
MA: Any more chips and...

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Marjorie Main: Pa ain't much...

Marjorie Main: Pa ain't much...

Pa ain't much for working and the rest the youngen's seem to take after him.

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Marjorie Main: Personally, I wouldn't...

Marjorie Main: Personally, I wouldn't...

Personally, I wouldn't marry a man who proposed to me over an invention.


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Marjorie Main: PA: Ought'a put...

Marjorie Main: PA: Ought'a put...

PA: Ought'a put up a towel rack ma . . . .
MA: No one is stopping you, that I know of . ....

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Marjorie Main: I can't make...

Marjorie Main: I can't make...

I can't make Pa change and be neat, so I'll have to change and be dirty. Been peace in this house ever...

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