Lynn Fontanne

Lynn Fontanne: Warm the pot...

Lynn Fontanne: Warm the pot...

Warm the pot first, please, then put two heaping teaspoonfuls in the pot no bags in boiling water, and when it's in,...

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Lynn Fontanne: We can be...

Lynn Fontanne: We can be...

We can be bought, but we can't be bored.

Source: On offers from Hollywood,...

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Lynn Fontanne: I lied to...

Lynn Fontanne: I lied to...

I lied to everybody. I lie very well, being an actress, naturally.

Source: On...

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Lynn Fontanne: When I am...

Lynn Fontanne: When I am...

When I am on a stage, I am the focus of thousands of eyes and it gives me strength. I feel that something, some...

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Lynn Fontanne: One reason we...

Lynn Fontanne: One reason we...

One reason we lasted so long is that we usually played two people who were very much in love. As we were realistic...

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