Jackie Gleason

Jackie Gleason: If you have...

Jackie Gleason: If you have...

If you have it, and you know you have it, you have it. If you don't have it and think you have it, you have it. But if...

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Jackie Gleason: Thin people are...

Jackie Gleason: Thin people are...

Thin people are beautiful, but fat people are adorable.

Source: In The Book of...

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Jackie Gleason: How sweet it...

Jackie Gleason: How sweet it...

How sweet it is!

Source: Signature phrase used in his TV programs, in New York...

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Jackie Gleason: I have a...

Jackie Gleason: I have a...

I have a 'Play the melody' philosophy. It means don't over-arrange, don't make life difficult. Just play the melody --...

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Jackie Gleason: I only made...

Jackie Gleason: I only made...

I only made $200 a week and I had to buy my own bullets.

Source: On his early film...

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