Francesco Petrarch

Francesco Petrarch: Who naught suspects...

Francesco Petrarch: Who naught suspects...

Who naught suspects is easily deceived.

Source: In The Manager's Book of...

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Francesco Petrarch: The aged love...

Francesco Petrarch: The aged love...

The aged love what is practical while impetuous youth longs only for what is dazzling.

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Francesco Petrarch: A short cut...

Francesco Petrarch: A short cut...

A short cut to riches is to subtract from our desires.

Source: In Dictionary of...

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Francesco Petrarch: Who overrefines his...

Francesco Petrarch: Who overrefines his...

Who overrefines his argument brings himself to grief.

Source: In Shorter Bartlett's...

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Francesco Petrarch: How fortune brings...

Francesco Petrarch: How fortune brings...

How fortune brings to earth the over-sure!

Source: In The International Thesaurus...

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Francesco Petrarch: Who naught suspects...

Francesco Petrarch: Who naught suspects...

Who naught suspects is easily deceived.

Source: In The Manager's Book of...

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Francesco Petrarch: The aged love...

Francesco Petrarch: The aged love...

The aged love what is practical while impetuous youth longs only for what is dazzling.

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Francesco Petrarch: A short cut...

Francesco Petrarch: A short cut...

A short cut to riches is to subtract from our desires.

Source: In Dictionary of...

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Francesco Petrarch: Who overrefines his...

Francesco Petrarch: Who overrefines his...

Who overrefines his argument brings himself to grief.

Source: In Shorter Bartlett's...

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Francesco Petrarch: How fortune brings...

Francesco Petrarch: How fortune brings...

How fortune brings to earth the over-sure!

Source: In The International Thesaurus...

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