George Bernard Shaw

George Bernard Shaw: An asylum for...

George Bernard Shaw: An asylum for...

An asylum for the sane would be empty in America.

Source: United States

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George Bernard Shaw: A pessimist is...

George Bernard Shaw: A pessimist is...

A pessimist is a man who thinks everybody is as nasty as himself.

Source: In The...

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George Bernard Shaw: Cruelty would be...

George Bernard Shaw: Cruelty would be...

Cruelty would be delicious if one could only find some sort of cruelty that didn't really...

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George Bernard Shaw: Better never than...

George Bernard Shaw: Better never than...

Better never than late.

Source: Responding to an offer by a producer to present one...

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George Bernard Shaw: All progress means...

George Bernard Shaw: All progress means...

All progress means war with society.

Source: Getting Married
-- George Bernard...

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George Bernard Shaw: Beauty is all...

George Bernard Shaw: Beauty is all...

Beauty is all very well at first sight; but who ever looks at it when it has been in the house three...

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George Bernard Shaw: All problems are...

George Bernard Shaw: All problems are...

All problems are finally scientific problems.

Source: The Doctor's Dilemma,...

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George Bernard Shaw: Democracy is a...

George Bernard Shaw: Democracy is a...

Democracy is a device that insures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.

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George Bernard Shaw: Crime is only...

George Bernard Shaw: Crime is only...

Crime is only the retail department of what, in wholesale, we call penal law.

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George Bernard Shaw: Always let your...

George Bernard Shaw: Always let your...

Always let your flattery be seen through for what really flatters a man is that you think him worth...

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George Bernard Shaw: Better keep yourself...

George Bernard Shaw: Better keep yourself...

Better keep yourself clean and bright; you are the window through which you see the world.

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George Bernard Shaw: An Englishman thinks...

George Bernard Shaw: An Englishman thinks...

An Englishman thinks he is moral when he is only uncomfortable.

Source: 'Man and...

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George Bernard Shaw: Fashions, after all,...

George Bernard Shaw: Fashions, after all,...

Fashions, after all, are only induced epidemics.

Source: Doctor's Dilemma,...

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George Bernard Shaw: Custom will reconcile...

George Bernard Shaw: Custom will reconcile...

Custom will reconcile people to any atrocity.

Source: In Webster's Electronic...

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George Bernard Shaw: Am reserving two...

George Bernard Shaw: Am reserving two...

Am reserving two tickets for you for my premi?re. Come and bring a friend if you have one.

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George Bernard Shaw: Better see rightly...

George Bernard Shaw: Better see rightly...

Better see rightly on a pound a week than squint on a million.

Source: to Plays...

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George Bernard Shaw: An Irishman's heart...

George Bernard Shaw: An Irishman's heart...

An Irishman's heart is nothing but his imagination.

Source: Larry Doyle, in John...

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George Bernard Shaw: Forget about likes...

George Bernard Shaw: Forget about likes...

Forget about likes and dislikes. They are of no consequence. Just do what must be done. This may not be happiness, but...

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George Bernard Shaw: Everything happens to...

George Bernard Shaw: Everything happens to...

Everything happens to everybody sooner or later if there is time enough.

Source: In...

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George Bernard Shaw: An election is...

George Bernard Shaw: An election is...

An election is a moral horror, as bad as a battle except for the blood; a mud bath for every soul concerned in...

More about this quote...

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