George Bernard Shaw

George Bernard Shaw: The American Constitution,...

George Bernard Shaw: The American Constitution,...

The American Constitution, one of the few modern political documents drawn up by men who were forced by the sternest...

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George Bernard Shaw: People always get...

George Bernard Shaw: People always get...

People always get tired of one another. I grow tired of myself whenever I am left alone for ten minutes, and I am...

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George Bernard Shaw: The most revolutionary...

George Bernard Shaw: The most revolutionary...

The most revolutionary invention of the Nineteenth Century was the artificial sterilization of...

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George Bernard Shaw: Power does not...

George Bernard Shaw: Power does not...

Power does not corrupt men; fools, however, if they get into a position of power, corrupt...

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George Bernard Shaw: Mark Twain and...

George Bernard Shaw: Mark Twain and...

Mark Twain and I are in the same position. We have put things in such a way as to make people, who would otherwise...

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George Bernard Shaw: The English have...

George Bernard Shaw: The English have...

The English have no respect for their language, and will not teach their children to speak it . . . It is impossible...

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George Bernard Shaw: People exaggerate the...

George Bernard Shaw: People exaggerate the...

People exaggerate the value of things they haven't got: everybody worships truth and unselfishness because they have...

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George Bernard Shaw: The national anthem...

George Bernard Shaw: The national anthem...

The national anthem belongs to the eighteenth century. In it you find us ordering God about to do our political dirty...

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George Bernard Shaw: Progress is impossible...

George Bernard Shaw: Progress is impossible...

Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change...

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George Bernard Shaw: Martyrdom is the...

George Bernard Shaw: Martyrdom is the...

Martyrdom is the only way a man can become famous without ability.

Source: In The...

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George Bernard Shaw: The best place...

George Bernard Shaw: The best place...

The best place to seek God is in a garden. You can dig for Him there.

Source: In...

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George Bernard Shaw: Reading made Don...

George Bernard Shaw: Reading made Don...

Reading made Don Quixote a gentleman, but believing what he read made him mad.

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George Bernard Shaw: The notion that...

George Bernard Shaw: The notion that...

The notion that disarmament can put a stop to war is contradicted by the nearest dogfight.

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George Bernard Shaw: Property is organised...

George Bernard Shaw: Property is organised...

Property is organised robbery.

Source: Major Barbara, Preface
-- George Bernard...

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George Bernard Shaw: Men are not...

George Bernard Shaw: Men are not...

Men are not governed by justice, but by law or persuasion. When they refuse to be governed by law or persuasion, they...

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George Bernard Shaw: The frontier between...

George Bernard Shaw: The frontier between...

The frontier between hell and heaven is only the difference between two ways of looking at...

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George Bernard Shaw: Reminiscences make one...

George Bernard Shaw: Reminiscences make one...

Reminiscences make one feel so deliciously aged and sad.

Source: The Irrational...

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George Bernard Shaw: The people who...

George Bernard Shaw: The people who...

The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and, if they...

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George Bernard Shaw: Reasonable people adapt...

George Bernard Shaw: Reasonable people adapt...

Reasonable people adapt themselves to the world. Unreasonable people attempt to adapt the world to themselves. All...

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George Bernard Shaw: My religion?...

George Bernard Shaw: My religion?...

My religion? Well, my dear, I am a Millionaire. That is my religion.


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