Ann (and Jane) Taylor

Ann (and Jane) Taylor: Oh, that it...

Ann (and Jane) Taylor: Oh, that it...

Oh, that it were my chief delight
To do the things I ought!
Then let me try with all my might
To mind what I...

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Ann (and Jane) Taylor: Though man a...

Ann (and Jane) Taylor: Though man a...

Though man a thinking being is defined,
Few use the grand prerogative of mind.
How few think justly of the...

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Ann (and Jane) Taylor: Twinkle, twinkle, little...

Ann (and Jane) Taylor: Twinkle, twinkle, little...

Twinkle, twinkle, little star
How I wonder what you are,
Up above the world so high,
Like a diamond in the...

More about this quote...

Ann (and Jane) Taylor: How pleasant it...

Ann (and Jane) Taylor: How pleasant it...

How pleasant it is, at the end of the day,
No follies to have to repent;
But reflect on the past, and be able to...

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Ann (and Jane) Taylor: One ugly trick...

Ann (and Jane) Taylor: One ugly trick...

One ugly trick has often spoiled
The sweetest and the best;
Matilda, though a pleasant child,
One ugly trick...

More about this quote...

Ann (and Jane) Taylor: Oh, that it...

Ann (and Jane) Taylor: Oh, that it...

Oh, that it were my chief delight
To do the things I ought!
Then let me try with all my might
To mind what I...

More about this quote...

Ann (and Jane) Taylor: Though man a...

Ann (and Jane) Taylor: Though man a...

Though man a thinking being is defined,
Few use the grand prerogative of mind.
How few think justly of the...

More about this quote...

Ann (and Jane) Taylor: Twinkle, twinkle, little...

Ann (and Jane) Taylor: Twinkle, twinkle, little...

Twinkle, twinkle, little star
How I wonder what you are,
Up above the world so high,
Like a diamond in the...

More about this quote...

Ann (and Jane) Taylor: How pleasant it...

Ann (and Jane) Taylor: How pleasant it...

How pleasant it is, at the end of the day,
No follies to have to repent;
But reflect on the past, and be able to...

More about this quote...

Ann (and Jane) Taylor: One ugly trick...

Ann (and Jane) Taylor: One ugly trick...

One ugly trick has often spoiled
The sweetest and the best;
Matilda, though a pleasant child,
One ugly trick...

More about this quote...

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