FRANK's Components of Creativity
As we read the school reports on our children, we realize a sense of relief that can rise to delight that thank Heaven...
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To show a child what once delighted you, to find the child's delight added to your own -- this is...
If there is one thing left that I would like to do, it's to write something really beautiful. And I could do it, you...
Much of writing might be described as mental pregnancy with successive difficult...
A novelist who writes nothing for 10 years finds his reputation rising. Because I keep on producing books they say...
A lot of men who have accepted - or had imposed upon them in boyhood - the old English public school styles of careful...
A synopsis is a cold thing. You do it with the front of your mind. If you're going to stay with it, you never get...
Depending upon shock tactics is easy, whereas writing a good play is difficult. Pubic hair is no substitute for...
A loving wife will do anything for her husband except stop criticising and trying to improve...
Comedy, we may say, is society protecting itself - with a smile.Source: George...
I remember coming across him at the Grand Canyon and finding him peevish, refusing to admire it or even look at it...
Already we Viewers, when not viewing, have begun to whisper to one another that the more we elaborate our means of...
I have always been delighted at the prospect of a new day, a fresh try, one more start, with perhaps a bit of magic...
I have always been a grumbler. I am designed for the part - sagging face, weighty underlip, rumbling, resonant voice....
I'm in the business of providing people with secondary satisfactions. It wouldn't have done me much good if they had...
If there was a little room somewhere in the British Museum that contained only about twenty exhibits and good...
God can stand being told by Professor Ayer and Marghanita Laski that He doesn't exist. More about this quote...
Many a man is praised for his reserve and so-called shyness when he is simply too proud to risk making a fool of...
I know only two words of American slang, 'swell' and 'lousy'. I think 'swell' is lousy, but 'lousy' is...
One of the delights known to age, and beyond the grasp of youth, is that of Not Going. More about this quote...
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