Blaise Pascal

Blaise Pascal: The more intelligent...

Blaise Pascal: The more intelligent...

The more intelligent one is, the more men of originality one finds. Ordinary people find no difference between...

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Blaise Pascal: The heart has...

Blaise Pascal: The heart has...

The heart has its reasons of which reason knows nothing: we know this in countless ways.

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Blaise Pascal: Things are always...

Blaise Pascal: Things are always...

Things are always at their best in their beginning.

Source: Lettres...

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Blaise Pascal: I have made...

Blaise Pascal: I have made...

I have made this letter a rather long one, only because I didn't have the leisure to make it...

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Blaise Pascal: If you would...

Blaise Pascal: If you would...

If you would have people speak well of you, then do not speak well of yourself.

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Blaise Pascal: People are usually...

Blaise Pascal: People are usually...

People are usually more convinced by reasons they discovered themselves than by those found by...

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Blaise Pascal: Imagination disposes of...

Blaise Pascal: Imagination disposes of...

Imagination disposes of everything; it creates beauty, justice, and happiness, which is everything in this...

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Blaise Pascal: It is not...

Blaise Pascal: It is not...

It is not only old and early impressions that deceive us; the charms of novelty have the same...

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Blaise Pascal: Nature has some...

Blaise Pascal: Nature has some...

Nature has some perfections to show that she is the image of God, and some defects to show that she is only His...

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Blaise Pascal: Most of the...

Blaise Pascal: Most of the...

Most of the evils of life arise from man's being unable to sit still in a room.

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