FRANK's Components of Creativity
Quotable Success, like BeMoreCreative.com, encourages thinking, working, and living more creatively. Creativity is "the power to connect the seemingly unconnected" (W. Plommer). To support this work, we earn a small affiliate commission. Please browse creatively!
Any time you give a man something he doesn't earn, you cheapen him. Our kids earn what they get, and that includes...
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The big trick in putting is not method the secret of putting is domination of the nerves. More about this quote...
Luck? Sure. But only after long practice and only with the ability to think under...
Gentlemen, it is better to have died as a small boy than to fumble this football. More about this quote...
Make the total effort, even when the odds are against you.Source: More about this quote...
Success depends almost entirely on how effectively you learn to manage the game's two ultimate adversaries: the course...
No other game combines the wonder of nature with the discipline of sport in such carefully planned ways. A great golf...
The first step in building a solid, dependable attitude is to be realistic, not only about your inherent capabilities,...
Confidence comes from hours and days and weeks and years of constant work and dedication. More about this quote...
A light, tender, sensitive touch is worth a ton of brawn.Source: More about this quote...
When you're playing poorly, you start thinking too much. That's when you confuse yourself. More about this quote...
Learn the fundamentals of the game and stick to them. Band-Aid remedies never last. More about this quote...
Discipline and concentration are a matter of being interested.Source: More about this quote...
Three things can happen when you put a [foot]ball in the air -- and two of them are bad. More about this quote...
Before you can win a game, you must first not lose it.Source: More about this quote...
If a team is to reach its potential, each player must be willing to subordinate his personal goals to the good of the...
When you win, nothing hurts.Source: In The Book of...
Some people think they are concentrating when they're merely worrying.Source: More about this quote...
Bear Bryant's Three Rules for coaching: 1) Surround yourself with people who can't live without football. 2) Recognize...
The fewer rules a coach has, the fewer rules there are for players to break. More about this quote...
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